
Plan for Bokashi Christmas Spuds

Yes, your eyes aren't deceiving you - it's time to start thinking about delicious, steaming bowls of beautiful Christmas new potatoes slathered in melting butter. "Yum Yum Yum" says Baby Baxter (hiding in the vege. patch). So, please, 'Read On' for a SPUD-A-LICIOUS Christmas...

Busy on ‘Chook House’ rebuild & reno

As I mentioned in my earlier blog, things have been really busy around home lately. What with the "Shortest Day" Sale (thanks to everyone who bought Bokashi), the Garlic Planting, the beautiful growing garden (& family) and tackling a major rebuild on a chook house.

Shortest Day Garlic planting SUCCESS

Things just keep growing & keeping me busy - especially young Baxter, what's my wife feeding him? With everything going on I'm wrapped (& a bit smug) that I found time to plant garlic on the "Shortest Day". If yours isn't in yet, no stress, I've put down a few planting tips. So, if you want Garlic this season please, do as the button says, & Read More...

Baxter in the Garden (official Bokashi Baby mascot)

Baxter has become our official Bokashi Boost Baby Mascot.
And, not to be outdone by his older sisters Lucy and Erin, he's already getting out and getting grubby in the garden. Also, a timely reminder about our Bokashi Boost Shortest Day SALE (starting Saturday). The Sale's all about having your compost ready for Garlic Planting on the shortest day.

No Age Restrictions / Age Limits in the Garden

Well... maybe at 5 weeks Baxter is a little young (but I'm sure he can be helping us out soon). But his sisters, Lucy and Erin love getting their hands dirty in the garden - while at the other end of the garden-generation my mum gives us some practical advice and swears (by her 'homemade' Blackspot spray).

Mulch, Mulch, Mulch. (And just for variety Mulch).

February is here, and with this really hot weather hitting out gardens maybe we should be rename it 'Mulchuary'. Mulching (I think this is a very weird word) is the best way to help our gardens survive and thrive during the hot months. So, let's get busy in the garden and get to work mulching.

Too much Broccoli? My mum told me there's no such thing!!!

Hello fellow Broccoli lovers. This is my mum, and she loves Broccoli (almost as much as me). If your garden's produced stacks of Broccoli here's my mum's homegrown tips on how to store it so it's as fresh (well 99%) as the day you picked it.

What every kid dreams of for a Christmas pressie (mmmm Broccoli-cious)

Well, December is here and no doubt you are counting down the days until the holidays and a hopefully a bit of rest, maybe some garden time. December is a full on month for many of us, work can get a bit mental, deadlines are creeping, Christmas is coming and we might find ourselves in the Warehouse shopping for crap we hope others will love!

Thanks to everyone who visited us at the Nelson Home and Garden Show.

A BIG cheers to everyone who stopped by our stand at this years Home and Garden Show. Your smiles and positive feedback were really appreciated - and sales, thanks to you, they far exceeded all our expectations.

A word from Bokashi guy Dougal (the happy dude in the picture)

Summer is here. A happy time for all gardeners, and all of us composters should be busy going MULCH, MULCH, MULCH to prepare for a visit from El Nino.