Shop / Bokashi Boost / El Grande Boost System

El Grande Boost System


Everything you need for non-stop Bokashi composting. With 2 buckets, the Total Boost System gives you 'continuous composting' ability. This means your garden enjoys all the benefits of composting and your back-pocket makes some good, healthy savings.
  • Details

Whats included:

  • 2 Bokashi Buckets
  • 2, 1 kilo bags of Bokashi Boost

Our buckets have a 15 litre capacity and are 42cm high and 25cm square.

Now, by my reckoning the average New Zealand family (if there is such a thing) will usually fill a Bokashi Bucket every 10 to 14 days - this means the compost needs to sit anywhere from 4 to 7 days so the Boost can complete its magic and finish off the fermentation process (the process must be complete for your garden and all your veges to get maximum benefits). And this explains why the 2 buckets in the Total Boost System make perfect sense if you want to compost continuously.

If you are keen to start the "continuous composting cycle" many people prefer to begin with the Boost Family Pack, you can read more about it here.

Online price112.00
Availability: in stock