Spring Weather's NO joke - but Baxter (& Dougal) love the 1 at the end of this blog
Given the weather over the last week or so I think if there was an anthem for Spring it would be “Four Seasons in One Day” by Crowded House.
Last week it went from freezing cold, to beautiful sunshine, then bucketed rain, then the sun popped back and brought along some good gusts of wind
for a change - and ALL this before lunch.
As a gardener, I know I’m at the mercy of the weather, it is what it is. And though Spring weather in Nelson can be unpredictable (at best) it certainly has a warmer and more inviting feel than a traditional Scottish Spring. I crossed my fingers and know that our warmer days and wonderful summer evenings are just around the corner. With that in mind, it’s time to get busy in the garden. Now’s the time to start putting burying your buckets of Bokashi Boost mix into the vegetable gardens so it will be ready for the traditional Plant-Out over Labour Weekend.
If you prefer growing from seed, it’s time to get sowing in Nelson - (but please remember to keep an eye out for any signs of a nasty, late frost) -
if you’re worried you can raise the seeds in trays indoors & then, once the first leaves appear, move them out into the garden. Lettuce, leeks, cabbage, corn, pumpkin, celery, onions, silverbeet and courgettes are ALL a pretty good bet for now in Nelson. Also time to sow ALL your “First-Crop” vegetable seeds for those delicious summer-salads, staggering the planting means you will have them ALL summer long. It’s also a good time to get busy on selecting and planting herbs you want to grow - and you can give ANY shrubs or trees a good head-start by getting them in over the next few days/weeks.
Remember - it’s Spring, and the more you do now - the more you will have to enjoy over summer - as a last note, here’s the delightful (Dad) joke I promised...
Spring is HERE, I’m so excited I wet my plants.
Carla Bokashi Boost Queen & Comedian
Dougal Bokashi King of Dad Jokes
Baxter Bokashi Boost baby Mascot & Joke Lover