Too much Broccoli? My mum told me there's no such thing!!!

Hi Broccoli buddies,

I have grown a lot (some might say exorbitant) amount of Broccoli in our garden this season. But I really do believe you can't have too much of a good (healthy) thing. And most of the time even the kids agree, even though they say I'm an official Brocco-holic.

If you're wondering what to do with your abundance of Broccoli, here's a real homegrown tip from my mum that will keep frozen Broccoli at it's best.

Dip Broccoli into boiling water.
Portion it into sandwich bags.
1st Hot Tip) Suck the air out with a straw (it works a treat).
Zip up the bag.
Walk to freezer.
Stick it in.
2nd Hot Tip) Get your mum on board to give a hand.


Bag of Broccoli grown with Bokashi


I would like to thank my mum for helping with this blog, and also being around to lend a hand in the kitchen when the Broccoli Freezing Process line was in full swing. Thanks ma, love ya heaps.  

Take care of yourselves, look after your gardens and your families - & all the best for 2016.

Bokashi Bloke & Brocco-holic

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