Busy on ‘Chook House’ rebuild & reno

Like I have said recently (more than once actually) things have been pretty busy round here lately.

A big "thank you" to our friends Andy and Kira, who donated us a big old chook house and run.

4 days were spent shifting and re-building the said "chook house". Thankfully, I was ably assisted by another talented mate, Mike. He was the brains and actually most of the brawn on this project too. (That's Mike on the right in the photo.)

During this re-build & reno I actually spent most of my time hovering about trying to look manly, especially when Baxter and Carla came to inspect progress. Baxter (our 16 month old & Official Bokashi Boost Baby Mascot) got an instant man crush on Mike.

So thanks to everyone involved, I will keep you updated with photos when it's fully finished & the chooks have successfully moved in.

Bokashi Boost Dad
& Project Manager for Chook House Redevelopment 2017

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