Baxter in the Garden (official Bokashi Baby mascot)

Hi to all keen gardeners & welcome to winter,

I just had to put this shot of Baxter working on his vege. section in the garden.

This just goes to prove that my philosophy of the beauty of gardening is "age-less" was right. And speaking of age-less, a big HELLO to Betty, who we believe is our oldest customer at 88 years of age (more to come on Betty later).

On top of being a really proud dad - I also wanted to give you a heads up on our Shortest Day SALE. Our sale will be starting this weekend, and whether you're a regular user of Bokashi Boost, or a new-comer, you will have plenty of time to get a good load of compost ready to help your Garlic plants get off to a flying start.

The shortest day is traditionally the time to plant Garlic and with some Bokashi Boost assistance we know you'll get a fantastic crop come harvest time.

Good luck, keep smiling & gardening

Bokashi Boost Boffin & Green Thumbed Guru
(also Proud Dad of Baxter)

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