About Bokashi Boost

Carla (Mum & owner) with baby Baxter (Official Bokashi Boost Mascot)

About Bokashi Boost

In late 2009, after a few years experimenting with compost and using Bokashi in my own garden, I decided it was time to launch my own product.

Sourcing the perfect buckets was a bit of a journey and getting the handles right involved lots of trial and error. My mates helped me out too - Andy designed the brand, and Gareth built my website.

It was with great fortune that I managed to enlist the services of an expert EM manufacturer and professional gardener who now contract brews all our Bokashi Boost. It’s made here in the Nelson region, brewed by hand to exacting standards, and then left to air dry in a modified woolshed.

Bokashi  Boost is a small, family business, run by my wife Carla and I. Between us we have 3 children: Lucy, Erin and our Bokashi Baby Mascot, Baxter. I grew up on a farm, and was fed from the start on the lush produce of my Mum's enormous vege garden. I still defer to her and my sister when it comes to advice on tending my own veges, although I am proud to say they both use and are big fans of Bokashi Boost.

Carla and I live just out of Nelson, and are lucky enough to have a big enough section to really experiment in when it comes to planting. We have lots of fun out there (especially Baxter) and our hope is that Bokashi will help all our customers get that same buzz whilst tending their own pieces of dirt.

Over the years I have had experience establishing different gardens, including planting over 2500 native trees. Fruit trees feature heavily too and now our garden has apple, plum, persimmon, feijoa, grapefruit, lime, peach, apricot, fig and nectarine trees. I find the Boost Juice especially helpful in keeping all these guys really healthy and happy.

I have also worked pretty hard to develop several edible gardens. Harvest to date - sweet corn, beans, potatoes, cabbage, broccoli, zucchini, silver beet, spinach, pumpkins, lettuce, a large variety of herbs, beetroot, tomatoes, celery, peas and a variety of weird looking squash. Our plants do exceptionally well and feeding the soil with Bokashi Boost is central to this process.

Bokashi Boost helps me to grow really healthy plants. I know it can do the same for you.

Happy composting!